Vito Errico
Vito Errico
Position: Research fellow
Areas of Expertise: Electronic, nanotechnology, embedded systems, biomedical devices, wireless sensors, body area network.
Vito Errico graduated in micro-electronic engineering from Polytechnic of Bari in 2005. He received the Ph.D. degree in materials and innovative technologies (ISUFI) from CNR/INFM ISUFI NNL, Università Degli Studi del Salento (LE).
His doctoral work has included design, nanofabrication, and characterization of active and passive photonic crystal devices. As a result of his research results, he received the Marie Curie “best poster award” at the International School of Nanophotonics in 2007.
He was appointed to post-doctoral researcher position at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom in 2008.
Currently, he is a researcher at the University of Tor Vergata, Rome, and his main activity is the development of cutting-edge sensors and electronic devices.
He participated to the following scientific projects:
- PPR AS 1/1 – “Evoluzione della mano INAIL-IIT verso una protesi completa di arto superiore”
- SIR2014 RBSI14TX20 “MUSIC – Multidimensional Single-cell Impedene Cytometry”
- Italian Space Agency ASI contract N. 2014-035-R.O. “Effetto del microambiente sulla forza di adesione cellulare – AFE”
- Italian Space Agency ASI, contract N. 2013-081-R.O. “”Misura ed interpretazione dei gesti per mezzo di modelli matematici avanzati e di un guanto sensorizzato di alte prestazioni e costo contenuto – MIGG”
- Project Seed IIT API NANE – “Arrays of piezoelectric nanowires for energy harvesting”
- FIRB– Futuro in Ricerca 2010 Project RBFR10VB42 – “Nanogeneratori di ossido di zinco ad altissima efficienza per l’alimentazione di microsistemi impiantabili e di reti wireless di sensori”
- NSFC (Grant No. 61404066)
- Birmingham Science City AM2 (Advanced Materials) project
- PRIN 2005 – “Nanosensori a banda fotonica proibita – fabbricazione di nanosensori a cristallo fotonico”
- FIRB 2004 – Fondo per gli investimenti della ricerca di base – Hub di ricerca italo-giapponese sulle nanotecnologie
- EPSRC EP/E005918/1 Materials Program Platform Grant: Nanostructured Surfaces
email: vito.errico [at]